Double the Pleasure! Double the Fun!
Monday, April 16, 2007

Long overdue yes, I know - but the great news is that since the March mix has been waiting in the wings - today I am giving you twice the fun! For those of you that remember the Doublemint Twins - ironically - BBDO has decided to bring back the Doublemint twins in different ways......sounds interesting? Read about it
In other news, my heart goes out to those families who are grieving right now for the tragic event at VA Tech today. I don't want to get into a long thing about this - but two things strike me right away. The question of what leads someone to do these types of things - in fact - in Detroit not two weeks ago - a man came into an office and shot a number of people before being taken into custody. Now this. What causes this rage, this hatred? Now it seems more than ever that this should be a time of unity and as Donny Deutsch put it recently, kindness is the new black. I recently checked out an interesting speech on relationships - personal, professional - everything. What struck me is how we take each other for granted, we take good fortune for granted. I am working more and more to be thankful for the good friends and family in my life and less and less to be pessimistic, judgemental or unattentive. I think if everyone took a few more minutes in their day to day life to reach out to one another and tell someone that you love or a friend or whomever that you appreciate them - maybe - these types of tragedies wouldn't occur. I don't think its a solution - but it certainly is something that help rebuild the fabric of our society which more and more seems to be unraveling.
That being said - I appreciate you my friends - and that is why I do this (mostly monthly). I hope that you enjoy the music - and as always - love to hear what you think of the music.
<3 style="font-weight: bold;">://:March Playlist://:
Cornelius ://: Brazil
I first heard Cornelius a few months back - but this guy has been around. Lots of minimal, pretty electro-pop here. Some of the full length can be a bit busy - but I really like this track.
Notorious B.I.G. ://: Party and Bullshit (Ratatat remix)
One of my fav outfits of the past few years strikes again. These guys have been really busy - starting with their self-titled debut a few years back and since releasing a new record, Wildcat, a beats bootleg, and two hip-hop remix records. This track comes from the forthcoming release and is probably one of the best remixes I have heard this year.
Plan B ://: Missing Links (Ft Radiohead)
Anything that tosses Radiohead into the mix is cool with me. Plan B has been gathering a bit of press over the past months and I thought it high time to present him to you.
Ta'Raach ://: The What What
I just love it. I don't really know that much about these guys - but cool track.
k-os ://: Valhalla
A great track that makes you want to tap your feet just a bit. Driving guitar and drums. Put the top down and turn it up. Rinse. Repeat.
Holy Fuck ://: The Pulse
These guys are the shit. I know very little about them - but everything I have heard has been wow-fantastical. There is another track by these guys that I recently discovered that I love almost more than this......enjoy.
Midlake ://: Roscoe (Beyond the Wizard remix)
Not a very distinctive remix - but a nice long track that has a great vibe to it. For those of you that have not heard Midlake yet - pick up the full length. It's like Fleetwood Mac all over again.
120 Days ://: Be Mine
Cool electronic outfit - very fun.
Lovedrug ://: Happy Apple Poison
ROCK. The Militia Group is great - I have been loving what they have been doing lately - this band being one of them. They are all over the board production wise - but listening to this one day driving back from Malibu totally floored me. Mid-90s production values I think. Totally OTT.
Andrew Bird ://: Heretics
For those of you that haven't heard Andrew Birds first disc - go get it. While you are there - pick up his new disc as well. It's amazing. This is the single that has been around - but for a first introduction - it's great. And the album is worth every track.
Vandaveer ://: Different Cities
Gentle track, reminds me of all my friends scattered over the states and over seas.
Horse Feathers ://: Falling Through the Roof
Great vibe. Love this track
Pop Levi ://: Sugar Assault Me Now
Awesome artist out of the UK on Ninja Tune. Will be doing a stateside tour in the next month or so. If Pop comes thru your city - be sure to get out and say hello.
Mezzanine Owls ://: Lightbulb
Fun, quirky, indie.
Little. Yellow. Different.

Los Campesinos ://: We Throw Parties, You Throw Knives
Could be one of my fav track names ever. The song backs it up. Gets a little disjointed at the end - but so good. And kinda cute? In a dark way?
Nine Horses ://: Get the Hell Out
No idea where these guys came from - but love the dark lyrical tone. Enjoy this one.
Muscles ://: Ice Cream
ICE CREAM - IS GONNA SAVE THE DAY!!! How true, how true. An Aussie making a bit of noise state side.
Youth Group ://: On a String
My most uplifting track on the album I think.
Bobby Baby ://: Later
Quiet. Sensitive.
Eastern Conference Champs ://: Some Sort of Light
Great closer to the first disc. Kinda sorta epic.
LE March Playlist (Disc 1)://:April Playlist://:Mark Ronson ://: Valerie (Ft Amy Winehouse)
More Amy Winehouse goodness. Can't get enough of this girl. This comes from an upcoming release of Mark Ronson. It's out in England next week - and should be state side soon.
Lord Rhaburn ://: Disco Connection
I've been into some really old disco and roots music lately - this is off a great compilation called Cult Cargo: Belize City Boil Up. Google Lord Rhaburn and check out his story. It's well worth it.
Nitty Kutchie ://: Ghetto
Story of my life.
Gavin Castleton ://: Hymn 2
Really soulful pretty track. Mellow mood.
Aqualung ://: Cinderella
Nothing new here - most everyone has heard of this talented guy. I'm not a huge fan - but I kinda dig this suedo-epic track. Cheese!
The National ://: Mistaken for Strangers
One of my fav tracks on the new album - it is toootaly worth going to get this one. Make sure to get their back catalogue as well. His knack for writing hooks is uncanny - lyrically and otherwise.
Terribly Empty Pockets ://: Cleft Foot
Could be the next national? I thought it was them the first time I heard this track. Probably why I like it so much. And they have a great name. These guys hail from Ohio.
Sea Wolf ://: The Garden You Planted
One of my fav pretty pretty songs I have heard in sometime. Great guy. Lives in LA. Keeping Dangerbird in the picture - as usual.
Wilco ://: Either Way
After the last Wilco album - I wasn't excited for this release - but it's pure 70's mellow rock and I love it. This track borders into noodle territory - but somehow - it just seems ok.
The Lovekevins ://: Eurovision
80s love.
Skeletons and the Kings of All Cities ://: Sickness
A very cool track. Great beat. Cool tones.
Blonde Redhead ://: Dr Strangelove
Searing. Another great release that is absolutely lovely. I've listened to it a ton - and I can't get enough. More accessible than previous releases and much more produced. High Rec.
Dntel ://: Dreams (ft Mystic Chords of Memory)
Pretty song - I love the end where it gets a little out there. Overall, the new Dntel is good - not great. Worth a listen - flawless production.
Cut Copy ://: Hearts on Fire
A banger. Way overdue to post this one - been selfish in hoarding it away. Such a great track. Turn it up in your bedroom and dance.
Ellen Allien ://: In White Rooms (Neo Mix Ft Booka Shade)
Totally great electro track. This is where the mix goes off the electro-deep end. Proverbially speaking.
Chromeo ://: Tenderoni
Ironic? Who knows? But I dig it.
Black Devil Disco Club ://: Constantly No Respect
Dark moody electronic music. Great debut album from this crew - pick it up over at emusic.
Shout Out Out Out Out ://: Chicken Soup for the Fuck You
Best song title of 07. One of the best albums of 07. You must buy this now.
That concludes the double disc action. Hope you enjoy the music - lots of good new releases to go out and buy.
LE April Playlist (Disc 2)