://: May Playlist ://:
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Welcome to May kids....sounds like everyone has enjoyed the April and March playlists. Glad that you guys are into it. I hope that May finds you well - I really like this months list - lots of great new things in the works - and June is already looking like a great mix! Caught a few shows this month, including getting to see The Little Ones, Sia and The Bird & The Bee play together at one of the oldest recording studios in LA. It was a great show - and a great night. Various celebs were floating about - and ran into some great friends there as well. Thanks to D Won, NN, EG, The Sandwich man and everyone else who made it out.
Just got back from a trip up to SF - many fun things happening in that city - and many bright minds at work. It's so refreshing to get up there and see what people are up too outside LA. I'm off to Portland and Seattle next week for a few and will be seeing the DJ stylings of Amon Tobin whilst there. If I can get a post or two up with some music or video - I will do that. Until then - enjoy the sun - the best time of year for sports and the May Playlist.
://:May Playlist://:
Prefuse 73_____The Letter "P"
A little short intro from Prefuse. Simple and short.
The Rapture_____Get Myself Into It (Sebastian Remix)
This one is another oldie, but goodie. Been loving the work that Sebastian has been doing - just did a remix for Bloc Party as well on their latest single. So good. Sebastian defnitely fits well with what The Rapture is doing as well.
Artic Monkeys_____________Brianstorm
I have sort of intentionally ignored these guys, mostly because of the immediate popularity comparisons to The Beatles. I think it's ridiculous and borderline insulting to compare anyone at such a young age to them - but this second disc released on Domino - is pretty good. Much better than the initial effort I think. This is a choppy, gritty piece - enjoy.
Pharrell___How Does It Feel? (?uestlove Remix)
?uestlove has been keeping busy. Putting out a double disc compilation not too far back - and doing a number of remixes of late - this one included. Not shying from taking on one of the best beat makers around - he takes a Pharrell track (from his ultimately disappointing debut disc) and reworks the track to even bigger proportions. Wow.
Femi Kuti__________Beng____Beng_____Beng
Making his way to LA in July - and I won't be missing him. Afrobeat goodness for you to chew on. This is an older track - and I think there are a few remixes of this floating around out there as well - nonetheless - this track stands up on its own.
Snowden________Like Bullets
Another one that I slept on - based on over hype and initial impressions. I dusted it off the other day and listened to the whole album. Great stuff. I'm on board. If you like this track - you will like the rest of the album - pick it up.
Datarock______I Used to Dance with My Daddy
A fun track - all you can really say. I love the production and the ridiculous vocals. A few good remixes are out there of this track as well.
Lily Allen Feat Wale________Smile (Mark Ronson Remix)
Squeezing as many buzz-worthy people as possible into one track. We have Mark Ronson with a new remix, a new album with tons of great guests - this one including the also buzz worthy Wale who has been doing a ton of great work as well. This track is loaded - and lives up to the hype.
Wale Feat TCB___________Ice Cream Girl
So here is Wale - doing his thing. Great production - poppy - but bangin. The Cherry Gonna POP! The Cherry Gonna POP! Nice.
Hot Chip______________________________My Piano
It's My Piano.
You leave it all alone.
New Hot Chip single. The hottest shit they have done without being remixed to date.
Maximo Park_______Karaoke Plays
More good rock - newly released. Pick up this album - it's fantastical. Great rock. Another deubt album that was OK - but the follow up seems to be worlds ahead and better.
Relative unknown to me until a good friend from the UK hipped me to these guys. More chip choppy rock action with some good remixes floating around out there. Hot FOALS action. Gobble gobble.
Poppy. Good. Lovely. This song is almost sing along type material. Something a little more pop for you. Has very Verve like moments - which I love. Strings meet great piano. It's southerly's piano - you leave it all alone.....
Malcom Middleton______A Brighter Beat
The depressing front man behind the Arab Strap - Middleton breaks out with - "A Brighter Beat" full length - out now. I have always liked this guys vocals, Scottish with an almost Cohen-like deadpan to them but without the synthy production. See what you think.
My Latest Novel____________________________Pretty in a Panic
Arcade Fire? What? Yeah, sounds like them a bit as well, no? More Scottish love for you - NME had this to say:
“the Glaswegian Arcade Fire’s debut is fragile, epic and melancholic”
The Go Find___________Dictionary
Morr Music put out this great disc - whats new right? Morr has been one of the best pop/electronic labels in the past few years in my book - and they are now on emusic! So for those of you looking to get in on it - do it quick - no telling how long great labels will remain with the emusic model. Anyway, this track is great - and this entire album is worth picking up.
The Black Ghosts______________Something New
Sounds like: Phoenix
Mood: happy, carefree
Instructions: Rinse. Repeat.

The Handsome Furs__________________What We Had
I love these guys. (pictured above) Could be my fave band of the month. The full length is great. I believe it's a Sub Pop release but could be wrong. Anyhow, chalk up another one out of Montreal - this time a spin off of Wolf Parade - and a good one. I was never a fan of Wolf Parade - but the guy who splintered off Dan, picked up with this girl, Alexi - and they make lovely music.
Travis_____Big Chair
Saw these guys once again - this time at Coachella. They still bring back memories with "Driftwood" "Why Does It Always Rain on Me" etc etc. I guess I am just on a Scottish kick this month. Didn't realize it until now. Maybe I should go to Scotland.......anyway, this is a new track from the new Travis disc. Very tasty. Pick it up ASAP.
The Acorn__________Darcy
A cute little mellow number. This is actually from their release all the way back in 2004. They have since come out with a few more EP's. I would suggest checking them out - very good stuff.
This track is on The Pink Ghosts LP. They call it the soundtrack to the summer you never had. Canadians....
Devendra Banhart___________The Body Breaks
Haunting and beautiful - one of his best tracks out there. If you haven't heard of this guy - take a listen.

Little Engine May Playlist (Disc 1 of 1)