January 2007 : // : Playlist
Monday, January 15, 2007

Welcome to 2007 kids. Happy New Year. Few things to cover off - I'll be posting a "top of" very soon. I have chosen to do it in accordance with the Chinese New Year - so look for it in about a month. All that being said - there has been so much good coming thru - have a listen to the January Playlist - and let me know your thoughts.
Field Music ://: A House Is Not A Home
Hailing from the UK, this threesome contains 2 brothers. I don't know that I would consider this track twee-pop....but maybe. It definitely maybe could be in some people's eyes. They have a new album dropping soon - in like - 2 weeks. Creep on it. Don't wait. Don't walk. Run.
LCD Soundsystem ://: North American Scum
Clearly a critique of what the US has become as a direct result of the botched foreign policy by the Bush administration - this takes a humorous stance. I decided to feature this track after playing the original mix for a trusted pair of ears - the other song was deemed "boring" and "dumb" or something. I like this one, too.
Menomena ://: Air Aid
Yes! Yes! New Menomena. For those of you not initiated - please go and buy: I Am the Fun Blame Monster - now. It's amazing. After listening to this album, I would call it a departure. I know that most people use that description in describing a band that was good - and now sucks. But that is not the case - it's good. But. Its different. I think this may be a slow burner. This song has a dark tone to it - I like it alot. Pick up Friend and Foe soon!!
Apostle of Hustle ://: My Sword Hand's Anger
Another sophmore effort by an artist that I had lukewarm feelings about originally. The first effort on Arts & Crafts was good. I liked it. But it wasn't on repeat in my car if you know what I mean. I don't have the full length of this album yet - but the few tracks I have heard including this one have a more polished sound to them - with a higher emphasis on production. I like the sound they are making. Hope you do too.
Gil-Scott Herron & Brian Jackson ://: We Almost Lost Detroit
Really good funk/soul track. I suppose its becoming a staple on the playlist to have some soul, some funk, some what not - but I deem it worthy. It's important. I love this song.
Gang Starr ://: You Know My Steez
Guru. The shit. I just love it. He has a new best of out. Cop it.
Mos Def ://: Sun, Moon, Stars
Mos is an artist. I love him. He does great work. A friend of mine said he had reservations about this album. Some other friends of mine have not liked the production values on this album saying "I like about half of it." This song struck me right away - the ending is a bit long - dramatic - but other than that this is my favorite on the disc. Glad that it saw the lite of day.
Soultrainsoul ://: Mississippi Freestylin
Really cool group. I was lucky enough to see them at the Temple Bar near my place in Santa Monica. It was one of the oddest shows I've ever seen as the bill also included the hardest working man in show biz. dude just doesn't sleep. he's hungry. and he's coming for it. but i digress. Check out Soultrainsoul - they are great live - have tons of energy and make the kids move.
Talib Kweli & Madlib ://: Happy Home
The music industry is doing great - but the record industry sucks. Heard that before? Yeah, me too. Apparently, so have these guys. For reasons unknown - these two hip hop monsters have released a FREE disc - called Liberation. It's one of my favorite hip hop releases of the year so far - and this song one of my favorite tracks. James Starr would appreciate it. I'm sure of it.
Darkel ://: My Own Sun
AIR has a new disc that is on the heels of this release by 1/2 of AIR, Darkel. Although it does sound alot like AIR. Somehow Pitchfork said that some of this actually, specifically this song, sounds like Oh Yoko!. Maybe that's why I like it? Some songs are great, some are eh. Overall, if you like AIR you will like this album. In other news, did I mention that the new AIR is out soon?
The Good, The Bad & The Queen ://: Herculean
Side project is now full blown new band. Damon Albarn has put together a new supergroup - and I am so excited to hear the full length. He will be joined by The Clash's bassist as well as ex-Verve member Simon Tong. To top it all off, Dangermouse is producing it. WHAT?? This one has been getting spins on "the VH1 of indie music." Yes yes yes. I still love it.
Camille ://: J'Ai Tort
Stumbled across this one in my itunes library. I suppose she is French. That would probably be accurate. I also suppose this entry could be funny. But more like people laughing at me.....remember kids - laugh in french. You know what I'm talking about.
Fink ://: Pretty Little Thing
Based on the album title alone, Biscuits for Breakfast, this album leaps into my top albums of 2007 so far. It's got a little bit of something for everyone. This track has been great to me since I found it. I think we will have a long and happy relationship.
Voxtrot ://: Sway
This is the b-side to the Your Biggest Fan single that this Texas based band put out recently. I think this is one of the best songs they have done. It's lovely. Also, while we are on the subject of Voxtrot and Texas - this is a plug to check out the side project of the band. Sparrow House. GvB always is talking him up - and it's well worth it. Check this out - than that.
Winterkids ://: All The Money
Over the top accents. Over the top song. The lyrics are hilarious. I think I would like them more if they were North American Scum faking it. Still a good song.
The Kooks ://: She Moves in Her Own Way
Saw the Kooks a bit back with a few friends. It was a fun show. I wasn't as drawn to them as everyone else was - but now having heard the full length - I like them more. Check them out as they are on tour this Spring - with Albert Hammond Jr and others.
Albert Hammond Jr ://: Back to the 101
Speaking of Mr. Hammond Jr, he is on tour, he has a new album and wait - wait - is he pulling a JT on the Stokes? The album is amazing - I think I may like it better than the Strokes albums - and I'm not afraid to say it Brooklyn. Maybe this album is a direct fuck you to Brooklyn after The Strokes (and seemingly 1000 other derivative bands) tried so hard to align themselves with the city. Or maybe he just wants to make great music. Either way - I'm looking forward to spending V-Day at the Troub checking out his musical stylings.
!!! ://: Bend Over Beethoven
Epic new track from !!!. I can't tell you how much I like them. And I'm not even going to try.
10:22 PM ::
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!!!dr. thunder still high fives!!! :: permalink

Great mixed tape. I've really missed these. Glad to have them back.
By Nathan O'Brien, at 8:47 PM
see you next week. -
By grumblemouse, at 4:16 PM
loving the North American Scum although I quite like you guys really - Voxtrot is amazing and super loving Winterkids - PLUS how good is that Talib tune - soooo sweet!
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